Nikki Brava, a wife and mother of two children, teaches a lesson on anal sex

Nikki Brava, 51 years old, is about to get a surprise visit from this guy. This incredibly hot wife and mother is wearing a top with a mesh that exposes all of her fake, big tits. The man apologizes, but it was all Mrs. Brava. Since her kids and husband are not with her, she can play. She gets to actually teach. See, his girlfriends won’t let him kiss them. Nikki says, “They will love it.” “I’m here to teach you.” Do you want me to teach you? Nikki’s hotness is enough to make a woman never have to answer this question. Nikki said, “I enjoy anal sexual sex when the man is respectful and appreciates what a great privilege it would be to have that done to me. My ass is a more precious and delicate act. I want my lover to respect it. “Treat it gently and with love and you could make it your bestfriend.” Nikki is clearly pleased with the way he has treated her ans. We’re less sure, though. The pounding is pretty intense. “I’m the one who initiates a lot of sex. But I wish more men would do it. When I am being pursued or seduced, I feel very sexy and desired. When a guy makes it very clear that he is interested in me, without being rude. “Direct and straight to the point, without being crude.” Other words, saying “I’m gonna slam your big schlong deeply in your fuckin’ asshole, Slut,” will not work. Nikki’s wildest encounter was “a gang-bang my husband had arranged in a hotel room.” Nice hotel room, eh? Keep that band classy.


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